CHS shares its economic success with its cooperative- and producer-owners by returning cash in the form of patronage and equity redemptions that helps them grow and contributes to vital rural communities. Cash distributions highlight the value the cooperative business model delivers to its stakeholders.
Learn more about patronage, one of the many benefits of cooperative ownership.
To apply for membership and patronage eligibility, please complete the form. The link can be found to the right. Once filled out, please print this form and mail to:
CHS Inc. Patron Equities Dept. MS 682 P.O. Box 64089 St. Paul, MN 55164
Download the patronage form
As part of CHS, your local cooperative provides value-added programs, products, and services to all of its member-owners.
Member-owners receive annual dividends, which are allocated based on the type and amount of products and services each member uses.
Each member maintains ownership in CHS, giving them a voice – and a vote. You elect your producer member board, which guides your local CHS business unit. CHS based out of Herman, MN carries a specified number of votes with CHS, which are used to vote on all issues affecting CHS, including its articles, bylaws, board leadership and structure. This helps to ensure that the cooperative will grow the way members want it to grow.
As a member-owner of CHS, you have further input through your locally-elected producer member board of directors, which is composed of fellow producer member-owners.