Services & discounts

Delayed pricing programs

Impacting deliveries to Fergus Falls, Underwood, Herman, Morris, Chokio and Wilmot.

Patrons have 10 days to price Delayed Price Grain; if not priced in those 10 days, storage starts from date delivered. Delayed Price Grain may NOT be applied to future contracts. Programs subject to change at any time.

Effective: 09/20/2024
$.06/month on all new corn deliveries
Must be priced by 08/20/2025

Effective: 09/20/2024
$.07/month on all new soybean deliveries
Must be priced by 08/20/2025

Effective: 08/01/2024
$0.08 DP on all new wheat deliveries
Must be priced by 08/31/2025

Discount schedules

Corn Discount Schedule*
Effective: 09/21/2022
Moisture Requirements: 15%
Shrink Factor: 1.5% Per Point from 14.5%
Drying: $0.045 a point with $0.09 minimum 15-25%

*Subject to change at any time

Soybean Discount Schedule*
Effective: 09/21/2022
Moisture Requirements: 13.0%
Shrink Factor: 2% Per Point
Drying Charge: $0.15 cents at 15.1%

Wheat Discount Schedule*
Effective: 08/21/2024
Moisture Requirements: 13.5%
Protein discounts
+$.05 1/5 up from 16.0
-$.10 1/5 down from 14.0
Shrink Factor: 3.0% Per Point

Breakeven calculator

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